Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • B. Thirion acts as reviewers for Medical Image Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, NeuroImage, ISBI, IPMI, as associate editor for Frontiers in Neuroscience Methods, as program committee for the MICCAI 2012 conference and as expert for ANR, NWO.

  • B.Thirion set up the following workshop at the OHBM 2013 conference: Functional Data-Driven Atlases of the Brainhttp://www.humanbrainmapping.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=3526 and took part to the morning workshop entitled Big Data in Neuroimaging: Big Opportunities or Just a Big Hassle - The Skeptical Neuroimagers View.

  • Bertrand Thirion organized a national workshop on Brain-Computer Interfaces at ICM, paris, on June 4th https://itneuro.aviesan.fr/Local/itneuro/dir/documents/newsletter/Newsletteroctobre2013.pdf .

  • B. Thirion and G. Varoquaux organized the MMBC workshop at MICCAI 2013 http://groups.csail.mit.edu/vision/mmbc2013/ .

  • G. Varoquaux was program chair for PRNI 2013 and committee for Euroscipy 2013.

  • G. Varoquaux acts as reviewer for NeuroImage, HBM, MedIA, TMI, Frontiers in NeuroInformatics, Frontiers in Brain Imaging methods and Trends in cognitive science Review editor for Frontiers in NeuroInformatics and Frontiers in Brain Imaging methods and as expert for ANR and Agoranov.

  • Gael Varoquaux presented scikit-learn and machine learning tools and concepts at the Microsoft Spark incubator, and at Cap Digital.

  • Philippe Ciuciu is IEEE senior member, member of the BioImaging Signal Processing (BISP) committee of the IEEE ISBI conference for 3 years (2013-15). He will be BISP area chair of the 2014 IEEE ICASSP conference in Florence.

  • Philippe Ciuciu was the main organizer with JM Lina of a symposium in Montreal in Oct 2013: Scale-free Dynamics and Networks in Neurosciences, financially supported by the Centre de recherche mathématique de l’université de Montreal. http://www.crm.umontreal.ca/2013/Neuro13/ .

  • Philippe Ciuciu is an international expert and reviewer for the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council: http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk and the Technology Foundation STW, Netherlands. He also serves as reviewer for the French research funding agency (ANR) in the field of biomedical engineering and life science research calls. He is also reviewer for 16 peer-reviewing journals including IEEE TMI/BME/SP/IP/PAMI, Medical Image Analysis, NeuroImage, Human Brain Mapping, Plos One, MAGMA, JMRI, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Signal Processing. He regularly serves as reviewer for the MICCAI, IEEE (ICASSP, ISBI, ICIP, EMBC, PRNI), EUSIPCO, HBM, SampTA, conferences.

  • Alexandre Gramfort is Program committee PRNI, Associate editor IEEE EMBC conference and Associate editor Frontiers in brain imaging methods.

  • Alexandre Gramfort acts as reviewer for Neuroimage, IEEE TMI, brain topography, HBM journal, PLOS ONE, brain connectivity, journal of clinical neurophysiology, MICCAI, physics in medicine and biology.